A Guide to Compiling Programs on Windows


Compiling a program on a UNIX or UNIX-like system is often as simple as running cc main.c and having your executable ready to go. Things are not so simple on Windows. When it comes to compilation and running your code, Windows follows the mantra of make simple things difficult and make hard things possible. In this post, I will attempt to save you and my future self much head-scratching over seemingly simple tasks.

Hello World

The first program we want to write is a simple “hello world”:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
	puts("Hello, world!");
	return 0;

Now if you save this file as main.c on your Desktop and try to run cc main.c, you will be greeted with this message:

'cc' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

This is understandable since we are on Windows and not a UNIX OS. The first step you’ll need to do is download Build Tools for Visual Studio 20xx. Open the installer, select C++ build tools and hit Install. Despite the name, these tools also support C, specifically C99 at the time of writing. The typical way of compiling programs on Windows involves using the full version of Visual Studio and doing everything there, but this guide will be focused on using the terminal exclusively. If you already have an existing version of Visual Studio installed, you do not need to install the Build Tools and can simply replace the references to BuildTools in the environment variables below with the version you have, e.g., Community.

Once you’ve done that, the next thing you’ll want to do is set up some environment variables to use these tools. Hit the Windows key and search for “environment variables” and you’ll find an option mentioning them. You’ll want to edit the User variables and not the System variables.

For simplicity, the rest of this post will assume the latest version of Visual Studio (currently 2022) and a 64-bit version of Windows 10. The first environment variable to be set is the location of our new installation:

Variable Value
VSInstallDir C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\

Then, add %VSInstallDir%VC\Auxiliary\Build to your PATH variable.

This is sufficient for us to compile our “hello world” program. Close your existing terminal window and open a new one for the PATH to refresh, and cd to where you stored your main.c file. Now, run the following:

cl main.c

The first line sets the environment up for compiling a 64-bit program (use vcvars32 for 32-bit), and adds where cl.exe is to your path. The next line compiles the program, creating an executable with the same name as the source file (main.exe) and the third line runs it.

We could stop here and simply call vcvars64 once before using the compiler. However, that’s not very convenient. You might have also noticed that vcvars64 isn’t exactly the fastest program to run. Furthermore, if you try to call vcvars64 a few times in one terminal session, say 5 or more times you’ll eventually see this lovely message:

The input line is too long.
The syntax of the command is incorrect.

This is because vcvars64 isn’t the smartest program either. It keeps adding the same paths to the PATH environment variable every time you call it until it exceeds the terminal limit. Run set path to see for yourself.

Beyond vcvars

To avoid waiting for vcvars64 to finish whatever it’s taking several seconds to do, we can set up our environment beforehand to bypass it completely. First, add the following environment variable:

Variable Value
VCToolsInstallDir C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\xx.xx.xxxxx\

Replace the xx.xx.xxxxx with the current version of the compiler which you can get by running dir /b "%VSInstallDir%VC\Tools\MSVC". You might need to update this environment variable after updating Visual Studio.

Next, add the following environment variables:

Variable Value
WindowsSDKDir C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\
WindowsSDKVersion xx.x.xxxxx.x\

Replace the xx.x.xxxxx.x with the latest version of the Windows SDK, which you can get by running dir /b /o-d "%WindowsSDKDir%Lib" and selecting the top entry. You might also need to update this environment variable when you update Windows.

So far, we have only added convenience variables that we will be making use of now. Add the following environment variables:

Variable Value
INCLUDE %VCToolsInstallDir%include;%WindowsSDKDir%Include\%WindowsSDKVersion%shared;%WindowsSDKDir%Include\%WindowsSDKVersion%ucrt;%WindowsSDKDir%Include\%WindowsSDKVersion%um
LIB %VCToolsInstallDir%lib\x64;%WindowsSDKDir%Lib\%WindowsSDKVersion%ucrt\x64;%WindowsSDKDir%Lib\%WindowsSDKVersion%um\x64

This will add the necessary header files (in our case, stdio.h) and library files (in our case, the C library libcmt.lib) to our search paths. Add %VCToolsInstallDir%bin\Hostx64\x64 to your PATH variable (this will give us cl.exe).

Now, close your terminal window and open a new one. Go back to your project folder and run cl main.c again. You’ll see that it now compiles successfully — no vcvars needed.

What are those folders

Name Description
ucrt Universal C Runtime Library
um User mode APIs (contain the bulk of the Windows SDK)
shared Shared components

Incorporating the Windows API

Now that we’ve written our program, we can start to incorporate some Windows API features. Let’s say we want to add a “tada” sound every time the program is run, instead of a “hello world” message. We’d also like to hide the console window when the program runs, such as when double-clicking it from Explorer. This is what the new program looks like:

#include <windows.h>

int main(void)
	PlaySound("C:\\Windows\\Media\\tada.wav", NULL, SND_FILENAME);
	return 0;

If you try to compile this program now, you will get this message:

main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_PlaySoundA referenced in function main
main.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

As you can guess by the __imp_PlaySoundA, it’s having trouble with the PlaySound function. In order to use a Windows API function, we need to link the correct library. To know which one to link, you can look up the function on the internet. At the top of the function’s page on the Microsoft Docs website, you’ll find the function declaration, which can be deciphered using a helpful table. Towards the end of the page you’ll find the name of the library required. In this case, it’s winmm.lib. Try to compile again, this time running cl main.c winmm.lib. No more linker error! Let’s also change the name of the output file using the /Fe flag. Run cl /Fe:tada main.c winmm.lib. Now, say the magic word - tada!

Hiding the console window

To get rid of the console window, we have to compile our program with the /subsystem:windows flag passed to the linker. This is done by adding the linker flags at the end of the compile command, following the /link flag. The full command will be cl /Fe:tada main.c winmm.lib /link /subsystem:windows. You might be disappointed to stumble upon yet another error message:

LIBCMT.lib(exe_winmain.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol WinMain referenced in function "int __cdecl __scrt_common_main_seh(void)" (?__scrt_common_main_seh@@YAHXZ)
tada.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

What’s happening here is that since we decided to link with /subsystem:windows instead of the default mode (/subsystem:console), the linker is now expecting our main function to be called WinMain. Now we could change our main function to WinMain with the correct parameters, but what if we want to keep things simple, especially since we won’t be using any of those parameters. The answer lies in the /entry linker flag. Despite our program seemingly having a main entry function, the true entry point to console programs is a hidden function known as mainCRTStartup which calls main. In the case of non-console applications, the entry function is WinMainCRTStartup which calls WinMain. To get back the old behavior while still hiding the console window, add /entry:mainCRTStartup to the linker flags. Our current compilation command will be:

cl /Fe:tada main.c winmm.lib /link /entry:mainCRTStartup /subsystem:windows

Now when we open tada by double-clicking it, we won’t see an ugly console window.

Dealing with Unicode

Instead of only playing a single sound, it would be nice to be able to tell the program which sound to play and fallback to a default sound if we don’t. This can be done like so:

#include <windows.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	const char *default_sound = "C:\\Windows\\Media\\tada.wav";
	const char *sound = default_sound;
	if (argc > 1)
		sound = argv[1];
	return 0;

We can test it by calling the program with a different sound:

tada "C:\Windows\Media\notify.wav"

Now let’s copy C:\Windows\Media\notify.wav to the same place as tada and rename it to something like صوت.wav. If you try to run tada صوت.wav, you’re probably not going to hear anything. This is because our program, as of now, does not support Unicode. To support Unicode we have to do a couple of changes:

#include <tchar.h>
#include <windows.h>

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR *argv[])
	const _TCHAR *default_sound = _T("C:\\Windows\\Media\\tada.wav");
	const _TCHAR *sound = default_sound;
	if (argc > 1)
		sound = argv[1];
	return 0;

We’ve made four changes here:

  • Include tchar.h
  • Change main to _tmain
  • Change char to _TCHAR
  • Wrap string literals in _T()

What this aims to do is to allow us to switch between 8-bit ANSI characters and 16-bit Unicode characters at will. Other programs might require additional changes. To complete the transformation, we will modify our compile command to the following:

cl /Fe:tada /D_UNICODE /DUNICODE main.c winmm.lib /link /entry:wmainCRTStartup /subsystem:windows

We added two preprocessor definitions - _UNICODE and UNICODE. _UNICODE is used by tchar.h to transform _tmain into wmain instead of main, _TCHAR into wchar_t instead of char, and _T into L instead of a no-op. UNICODE transforms all Windows API functions (in this case PlaySound) into their Unicode variants (PlaySoundW) instead of the default ANSI variant (PlaySoundA).

We also changed the /entry flag from mainCRTStartup to its Unicode sibling wmainCRTStartup.

Unicode on Windows 10 - UTF-8 edition

If you’ve already written a program that uses char * everywhere, changing it to support Unicode can be a lot of work. Luckily, in recent versions of Windows 10, there’s a new beta option that extends the ANSI functions with UTF-8 support, since ANSI is a subset of UTF-8 encoding. To enable it, go to the language settings, click Administrative language settings, then Change system locale… and tick the Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support option. Once you restart your computer, change the program back to the char * version then compile and run it with the same test file. I recommend you use the new Windows Terminal for this. If all goes well, you’ll be experiencing the full fruits of Unicode without any extra effort!

Using a Makefile

Now that we have our program up and running with full Unicode support, we’d like to automate the build so it’s as simple as running make. Well, as simple as running nmake, the Windows flavor of it. The first thing we’ll need to do is create a new file named Makefile. This file will contain our desired output (tada.exe), our input files (main.c and winmm.lib) and a recipe for how to generate the former from the latter (using cl.exe). We’ll be using the tchar version of our program. This is how it looks:

tada.exe: main.c
	cl /Fe:tada /D_UNICODE /DUNICODE main.c winmm.lib /link /entry:wmainCRTStartup /subsystem:windows

Now, simply run nmake. You might get a message that tada.exe is up-to-date as nmake is smart enough to realize that there haven’t been any edits to main.c since we compiled it. You can force the program to build by running nmake /a. You can make the Makefile a little neater by using a backslash for line continuation:

tada.exe: main.c
	cl /Fe:tada /D_UNICODE /DUNICODE main.c winmm.lib /link \
		/entry:wmainCRTStartup /subsystem:windows

Also, make sure the file is indented with tabs and not spaces.

A cross-platform program

We can modify our program to compile on non-Windows platforms by adjusting it slightly. Instead of playing a sound, the program will only print a message on those platforms. The new program looks like this:

#include <stdio.h>

#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef _WIN32
	const char *default_sound = "C:\\Windows\\Media\\tada.wav";
	const char *sound = default_sound;
	if (argc > 1)
		sound = argv[1];
	return 0;

The _WIN32 macro can be used to detect if a program is being compiled on Windows. Ideally, you’d replace any use of the Windows API with a corresponding API on other platforms by checking similar platform-specific macros.

A cross-platform Makefile

We can also create a cross-platform Makefile for our cross-platform program. This is done by creating an additional Windows-specific makefile called tools.ini that will be automatically read by nmake:

LDFLAGS=/link /entry:mainCRTStartup /subsystem:windows

And the main Makefile:

tada$(EXEEXT): main.c
	$(CC) -o $@ $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) main.c $(LDLIBS) $(LDFLAGS)

$@ in the rule refers to the output, in this case tada$(EXEEXT).

If you have WSL installed, try using nmake && tada in Windows and then make && ./tada in WSL - both should work just fine. For more complex builds, using the same Makefile with make and nmake might require additional tweaks.

To compile in release mode on Windows, do nmake CPPFLAGS=/DNDEBUG CFLAGS="/O2 /GL". The NDEBUG macro turns off asserts, /O2 enables optimization and /GL enables whole program optimization which includes link-time optimization.

Adding third-party libraries

Getting vcpkg

To use third-party libraries, we can use vcpkg. You’ll need to have git installed for this.

Run the following to install vcpkg in your preferred directory (the home directory is a good choice):

git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg.git
cd vcpkg

Once it’s done, run echo %cd% | clip in the same directory to copy the path of vcpkg. Set the VCPKG_ROOT environment variable to the copied value. Then, set the VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET environment variable to x64-windows. This will ensure that vcpkg downloads 64-bit libraries by default. Add %VCPKG_ROOT% to your PATH - this will give us access to the vcpkg tool.

Next, add the include directory of vcpkg to the INCLUDE environment variable — this will be %VCPKG_ROOT%\installed\%VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET%\include. Make sure to separate it from existing entries by using a semicolon. Do the same for the lib directory, adding it to the LIB environment variable — %VCPKG_ROOT%\installed\%VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET%\lib. This will allow the compiler to find the header and library files.

Close any terminal windows you have open for the changes to take effect, and open a new one.

Installing a library

In our example, we’re going to be using the popular SDL2 library. We’ll need to install it and copy the required DLLs over. To do so, run the following:

vcpkg install sdl2
vcpkg export sdl2 --raw --output=export
copy "%VCPKG_ROOT%\export\installed\%VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET%\bin\*.dll" .

Now we’re finally ready to use the library in our program. Instead of calling the Windows-specific PlaySound, we’re going to use SDL2’s WAV playing capabilities. Modify the main.c file to the following:

#include <stdio.h>

#include <SDL2/SDL.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	const char *sound = NULL;
#ifdef _WIN32
	sound = "C:\\Windows\\Media\\tada.wav";
	if (argc > 1)
		sound = argv[1];
	if (sound) {
		/* Make sure to check for errors in a real program */
		SDL_AudioSpec spec;
		Uint8 *buffer;
		Uint32 length;
		SDL_LoadWAV(sound, &spec, &buffer, &length);
		SDL_AudioDeviceID id =
			SDL_OpenAudioDevice(NULL, 0, &spec, NULL, 0);
		SDL_QueueAudio(id, buffer, length);
		SDL_PauseAudioDevice(id, 0);
		while (SDL_GetQueuedAudioSize(id))
	return 0;

Then, modify the Makefile to this:

tada$(EXEEXT): main.c
	$(CC) -o $@ $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) main.c $(LDLIBS) $(LDFLAGS)


This adds the SDL2 library for POSIX/UNIX machines. LDLIBS is specified after the make rule so that it can be overridden on Windows. Modify tools.ini to the following, adding SDL2.lib to LDLIBS:

LDFLAGS=/link /entry:mainCRTStartup /subsystem:windows

Now, run nmake and then tada - you should hear the tada sound! You can build and run the same code on a UNIX machine (you can build it in WSL too, but sound won’t work when you run the program).

Using CMake

For more complex projects, it might be beneficial to use CMake. CMake lets you generate Makefiles, Visual Studio project files, and myriad others that can be used to build your project on different platforms. Conveniently, Visual Studio comes with CMake and should have been installed when you installed the C++ build tools. If not, use the Visual Studio installer to add it. To use CMake, add %VSInstallDir%Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\CMake\CMake\bin to your PATH.

To build the project with CMake, create a CMakeLists.txt file in the project directory with the following:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13)
find_package(SDL2 REQUIRED)
add_executable(tada main.c)
target_link_libraries(tada SDL2::SDL2)

  target_link_options(tada PUBLIC /entry:mainCRTStartup /subsystem:windows)

The first two lines specify the minimum supported CMake version and the name of the project. The find_package command adds the SDL2 library to the project. The add_executable command specifies the name of the output executable (tada) and its prerequisite files. Finally, the target_link_libraries command specifies the libraries that will be linked to generate the given target, in this case the executable tada. You can get the names to use for the find_package and target_link_libraries commands from vcpkg - it prints them after installing a package. The last part checks if the compiler is the Visual Studio one by checking the MSVC variable and then appends the same linker flags as before.

Now, create a directory called build in the project folder and cd into it. We will run CMake in this directory as it generates a lot of files that would otherwise mess up the main folder. Then, run cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=%VCPKG_ROOT%\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake .. to generate the project files that will be used to build the project. The CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE option helps CMake find the libraries installed by vcpkg. Finally, run cmake --build . to build the project. Once it’s done, you should find the program in the Debug folder, and can run it via Debug/tada. To build a release version, add -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release to the first command and --config Release to the second.